Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We Start to Get Our Field Ready

On Monday May 13th, we figured out exactly where we'd plant our wheat. We got some old boards to make a quick frame that measured 4x8 feet.

Next, we marked the edge of our field with a bit of spray paint.

After removing the boards we used an edger to cut along the paint line and spades to remove the grass.

Removing all of the grass was a bit of work! Uncle Paul was visiting, so he helped out too. We filled three wheelbarrows with the sod that we removed.

Once the sod was all gone, we turned the soil with a Garden Claw and cleaned it a bit with a few rakes.

Once we had a clean 4x8 foot spot the girls wanted to water it, so they did. The Robins liked it, and soon after we went in for the day they were checking out the new wet soil for worms!

So now we have a place to grow the wheat. The field looks pretty little, but even this little field took five of us about an hour to measure and clear.  We have a bit to do yet before we plant, but we should get to planting soon. The wheat will take from 90 to 100 days to be ready after we plant it, so if we plant in mid May we should be able to harvest the wheat by the end of August.

That is all we know so far.

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